- Affiliate marketing
5 legit ways to make money online

Really do you want to earn money online but are not able to get started on your make money online journey then this blog or article is for you because in this blog we are going to talk about 5 legit ways to make money online. Let’s discuss some important and useful tips to make money online. I am working in this field for the last 5 years and I have generated a very good amount of money totally online by following all the steps that I will tell you in this blog.
5 legit ways to make money online
Are you ready to know about all these 10 legit ways to make money online?
1) Youtube -; Youtube will be the best choice for you if you are ready to give some time. But, if you really want to make money online and build your carrier online then this is the best place for you. You can start a youtube channel. After creating a youtube channel you have to upload videos in any specific niche. Start monetizing your content with different methods just as YouTube partner programs, affiliate marketing, selling digital products, and brand promotion, you can become a youtube seo freelancer, you can become a video editor Freelancer. There are almost 20+ ways to make money online from YouTube. If you are ready to work hard with full dedication for at least 4 to 5 months then you can easily start getting money from YouTube. But don’t try to cheat yourself. If you don’t work hard then it’s not possible to make money online as a youtube creator.
2) Blog -: Starting a blog is also a very good way to make money online. But in blogging, you do have not to create videos but you have to share your knowledge with your audience in the form of an article. You can start your blog with Blogger it’s a free platform powered by Google from where you can create your own blog for free with a subdomain like ABC.Blogspot.Com. Or if you have some money to invest then you can go with WordPress. You have to purchase a domain and hosting if you want to start your blog on WordPress. After creating your blog you have to write articles and after writing unique content you have to monetize it and drive traffic and get paid in multiple ways.
3) Affiliate -: It’s my personal favorite because it’s too easy to start and you can start affiliate marketing with a very low amount. and there is also a very low risk in comparison to other online businesses. In affiliate marketing, first of all, you have to gather an Audience you can use social media handles or you can set up your own blog. After creating an audience you have to create content according to your product and then you have to promote your products there with the help of articles, videos, or posts. I have already generated more than 2 lakh inr from the affiliate marketing industry and currently, my earning is growing day by day. If you want to start affiliate marketing then you must have to work on any specific niche. You have to provide value to your audience first of all if you really want to make money from affiliates. You can go with Amazon, Clickbank, Learninghubs. These are some best affiliate platforms.
4) Freelancing -: The best ways to make money online. Yaa you heard it right freelancing is the best way to make money online for everyone. It doesn’t matter who you are you just only need a laptop and internet connection. If you are a student you can go with freelancing with your study you don’t have to quit your studies. Everyone can start freelancing but they only need some important things which are a) A high paying skills) Communication skills c) Client finding skills etc. These all skills are learnable so don’t worry about it. You can easily start your income by learning these skills. But for freelancing, you must have to learn any one skills which will help you to charge a good amount of money by completing their project. Just for example if you know how to create a website using WordPress then you can easily charge 20k to 40k for Indian clients and you can also charge 2200$ for us clients. Yaa, you heard it right so I will recommend you to start freelancing in countries like USA, UK etc.
5) Start Drop shipping -: If you want to start with drop shipping then make sure to target high-pocket countries. In this business, you have to talk with some suppliers and after the deal, you will create a website and generate sales you don’t have to maintain stocks you have to inform your supplier then they will deliver the product. You can charge a 10-15% margin on each sale. That means we don’t have to take any headache just like delivering the product.
I hope after Reading the complete article I can say you will able to earn money online. Simply go and show some love by sharing this content with your friends. It will help your friends and family to start their income. Thanks for reading. Make sure to read my blogs -:
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